
BAEGEM documentation

BAEconomics has built and uses a set of computable general equilibrium models for its work with clients and its independent research. This documentation sets out the general structure of these models.

Authors: Brian Fisher & Raymond Mi

Further Information:

BAEconomics has built and uses a set of computable general equilibrium models for its work with clients and its independent research. This documentation sets out the general structure of these models.

Productivity and Innovation in the Mining Industry

Authors: Anna L. Matysek & Brian S. Fisher

Further Information:

Robotics, automation and the digital revolution leading the transformation of the mining sector.

ISBN: 978-0-9945697-0-7

The Economic Potential for Plantation Expansion In Australia

BAE finds that plantation development has currently stalled in Australia and in the absence of new investment mechanism for plantations, based on current trends Australia will be increasingly reliant on imports of timber projects to meet the growing demand for domestic consumption.

Authors: Anna L. Matysek, Brian. S Fisher

The impacts of potential iron ore supply restrictions on producer country welfare – Working paper

BAEconomics finds that government regulation of iron ore exports would reduce Australia’s export earnings and state government iron ore royalties.

Authors: Brian Fisher, Stephen Beare, Anna Matysek & Anna Fisher

The benefits of eliminating trade barriers on environmental goods: preliminary results (full)

BAE commences investigation of the role of ‘environmental’ goods in trade.

Authors: Brian Fisher, Raymond Mi & Marie Gillardeau

The benefits of eliminating trade barriers on environmental goods: preliminary results (summary)

BAE commences investigation of the role of ‘environmental’ goods on trade.

Authors: Brian Fisher, Raymond Mi & Marie Gillardeau

Economic gains from streamlining the process of resource projects approval

Report for the MCA to quantify the economic gains of the reduction in approvals related delays in Australia’s Mining sector.

Authors: Brian Fisher

Independent review of GWRDC’s Innovation and Adoption activities

BAEconomics has performed a review of GWRDC’s Innovation and Adoption activities. The aim of this review was to assess the effectiveness and value of the activities and to recommend changes to the GWRDC if necessary.

Nine recommendations were made as part of this review regarding funding, setting KPIs and GWRDC’s media and communications processes.

Authors: Brian Fisher

Minerals Week Seminar speech

Brian Fisher presents at the Mineral Council of Australia’s Minerals Week 2013 Seminar.

Authors: Brian Fisher

The future role of government in the Australian agricultural R&D system

Brian Fisher presents at the Australian Farm Institute Conference: Australian Agriculture Innovation System at the Crossroads.

Authors: Brian Fisher, Anna Fisher & Marie Gillardeau

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