Further Information:
This documentation details the updates to BAEconomics’ computable general equilibrium model, BAEGEM, to reflect its latest databases.
Authors: Brian S. Fisher and Raymond Mi
This documentation details the updates to BAEconomics’ computable general equilibrium model, BAEGEM, to reflect its latest databases.
In this report, commissioned by the Menzies Research Centre, Brian Fisher explores the role of gas in the medium to longer term as Australia’s energy sector transitions towards lower greenhouse gas intensity.
Authors: Brian S. Fisher
This paper explores some of the possible economic consequences of the Labor climate change approach.
Authors: Brian S. Fisher
This paper assesses the economic impacts of alternative domestic policy approaches proposed by the two major political parties. It uses the BAEconomics global model to assess the economic costs of various policy options. This work is ongoing and will be updated as policy options become more clear.
Authors: Brian S. Fisher
This paper assesses the economic impacts of alternative domestic policy approaches proposed by the two major political parties. It uses the BAEconomics global model to assess the economic costs of various policy options. This work is ongoing and will be updated as policy options become more clear.
Authors: Brian S. Fisher
BAEconomics prepared this report for the Australian forest industries, to examine the carbon sequestration associated with potential planation forest expansion in Australia.
Authors: Anna L. Matysek & Brian S. Fisher
The future security of the national electricity market requires that all generators, especially intermittent generators to directly bear the costs that they impose on the power system. BAEconomics has provided an approach that would ensure that this condition is met.
Authors: Sabine Schnittger and Brian S. Fisher
Paper prepared for the Minerals Council of Australia to provide and overview of the range of subsidies for renewable electricity that were applied in Australia in 2015-16.
Authors: Sabine Schnittger and Brian S. Fisher
BAEconomics and University of Queensland research staff jointly present research to the Indonesia Australia Policy Dialogue.
Authors: Scott Waldron and Brian S. Fisher
BAE finds that as the production of intermittent generation increases, the costs of integrating intermittent supply increase rapidly.
Authors: Brian S. Fisher & Sabine Schnittger
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